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The Republic’s marine capabilities are charting new waters in the North Sea’s offshore wind market

Elysia Tan

Published Fri, Jul 26, 2024 · 02:00 PM

Singapore’s marine and offshore players can adapt to take part in constructing critical components in the wind energy value chain. PHOTO: ENTERPRISESG

[ABERDEEN] SINGAPORE’S busy waters may be unsuitable for offshore wind turbines, but the Republic’s marine capabilities are going far in the United Kingdom – the world’s second-largest offshore wind market, and Europe’s largest.

With many existing and upcoming offshore wind farms, the UK is an ideal place to join the ecosystem, industry players told The Business Times in interviews in London and across Scotland.

The UK aims to achieve up to 50 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind by 2030, with 5 GW from floating farms, notes Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) director for Europe Alan Yeo.

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