Photo by Steve Johnson from Unsplash

Over half of Hong Kong organisations have not yet deployed use cases that truly require AI. 

In Hong Kong, 39.9% of organizations have not yet implemented governance and architecture for data collection and reconciliation, whilst 29% are working on it and only 31.2% have done so, according to a survey by fifty-five.

In terms of AI use cases, most organisations have yet to deploy AI applications that require advanced technology, citing caution about investments and returns.

fifty-five revealed that organisations mostly deploy AI use cases for chatbots and customer services with 36 organisations having implemented it. This is followed by performance insights and alerts (35), content creation (26), customer segmentation and scoring (25), and marketing mix modeling (17).

Meanwhile, over half, (51%) of organisations have not yet deployed use cases that truly require AI. This is impacted by the challenges that organisations face when it comes to AI adoption.

Three in four organizations stated that data quality and availability slow down their AI adoption, with 42 citing resources and skills as their main challenge, followed by cost and estimated ROI (41), and data privacy and legal department constraints (34).

fifty-five surveyed over 100 attendees at the Google Cloud Summit in Hong Kong to gather insights on their organizations’ progress, challenges, and opportunities in data-driven transformation.

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