Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda from Unsplash

Working parents would prefer flexible work arrangements to better manage childcare duties.

Working parents in Hong Kong prioritize flexible work arrangements, including hybrid and remote options, over career prospects and a 10% pay rise, Remote reported.

Four in five working parents consider quitting their jobs due to the lack of affordable childcare during their working hours. A further 88.8% have also taken a pay cut or reduced their working hours for the same reasons.

Meanwhile, 87.7% experienced guilt or anxiety when requesting time off for childcare needs. Of them, 43% believe doing so would result in termination.

In terms of parental duties, 77.8% of working parents find taking their children to extracurricular activities most time-consuming, followed by tutoring or supervising homework at 46.3%. This underscores their need for flexible work arrangements to help manage their time effectively.

Remote also revealed that 86% of working parents agree that a fully remote work arrangement would be most beneficial to their mental well-being whilst 74% of them claim hybrid work arrangements can have a similar impact.

However, whilst 42.1% of respondents said their workplace is implementing flexible work arrangements, 87.5% feel they were given “fake flexibility”.

In addition, 88.9% of respondents believe they are overlooked for promotions or opportunities at work because they are working parents.

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